
A to Z Blogging Challenge – Day 12

I’ve always felt that language and dialect go hand in hand, which is why I’m combining them in the same post.

L is for Language and Dialect

To flavour a novel and provide authenticity, authors often use dialect in their written dialogue. However, if dialect is used incorrectly it can ruin your story. Here are a few tips when using dialects:

Try not to stereotype. Not everyone from the South uses “Y’all”, not every Canadian says “eh?”, and not every teenager uses slang.

Make sure when you use regional speech patterns and accents that you’re accurate and consistent. Don’t have your cowboy suddenly sound like he’s from England.

If possible, try to listen to people with the accents and speech patterns you wish to use so you can learn what sounds authentic and what doesn’t. It would be even better if you can actually have a conversation with them.

Try to make sure you’re using the right terminology for the dialect you’re using. There are many regions and subcultures, all with their own slang. To Americans, chips are a snack food that comes in bags and a boot is something to wear on your foot. But in England, chips are julienned, deep fried potatoes and a boot is the part of the car to put your luggage in.

Dialects for historical and foreign characters can be even trickier. A few writers will use a complete sentence in a foreign language followed by a translation, but that can seem a little unwieldy. Smaller words or phrases, such as “Ach!” “Mon ami,” “Cara mia,” etc. can be just as effective when scattered through the dialogue and don’t need translating.

If you’re writing fantasy or science fiction, or even paranormal or urban fantasy, it might be more appealing to invent your own language.

An invented language can be a tool for exposing the traits of a culture. Different languages not only sound different, but they feel different. They shape ideas differently. They are also shaped by their environments. The way a language works can help illustrate the thought processes of the people who speak it.

Keep a list of invented words. It’s all too easy to forget how you spelled something you made up. If you keep this list in alphabetical order, you can use it as a glossary later. When you add a word to your list, don’t forget to add it to your word-processing program’s dictionary. This will ensure your spell check keeps you on track.

When using an invented language, a word or two here and there is far more effective than whole paragraphs. An entire sentence will need translating; a word or two can be put in context so that the reader can quickly figure out the meaning.

If you’d rather create an entire language, I highly recommend The Language Construction Kit


Vicky B said...

I think is so beautiful but that sometimes we lose it in modern literature. Reading the classics, I wish that our words were as lustrous and passionate, and sometimes they are! Great post! Would it be alright if I stole your A to Z idea? I would love to do my own blog series!

Anonymous said...

Nice, and thanks for the link. I'll see if I can use it tomorrow!


SpacerGuy said...

James Doohan created the root language for Star Trek's first motion picture in 1979 which Mark Okrand developed. Star Trek fans called it Klingonese.

Ella said...

Great post; Thinking about this the other day. I am from New England living in the south. Now, I blur the dialect of both worlds. Nice to meet you~

Nicole said...

Thanks for writing this informative post on language and dialect. You made some really good points that I'll have to try to keep in mind when writing my screenplays.

The Madlab Post

Jeff Beesler said...

I don't know whether I'll ever invent my own language, I might, but if I do I'll try to remember the tips you've included here. Thanks for including them, and it's a pleasure to meet you via the A-Z Challenge!

Sharon - Grandma is a Writer said...

Very insightful post. Just wondering if you studied linguistics?

Sharon (another A to Z Challenger)

Anonymous said...

I, personally, find it very disturbing when writers try to express accents in writing. I totally agree what you say about dialects though, many times I find that characters who have started off strong in the beginning of the book with their own expressions, sland etc. get very similar at the end of the book.
- andrea

Nofretiri said...

Another belated post done: L for Linguistik (lingustics/language) I was so free to link to your fabulous post, it's a perfect addition! :-)

Happy weekend & keep writing!