
A to Z Blogging Challenge – Day 13

M is for Managing Your Time

I was going to start by stating that there are 168 hours in a week, and we use X number for sleeping, X number for working, X number for entertainment, yada, yada, yada. But we know all that. And we know how hard it can be to carve writing time out of our day. And that’s not what this post is about, it’s about managing your time, not finding time. If you need some help finding time, I did a post about it HERE.

I’m going to start with a confession. I’m terrible at time management. I have a lot of free time to write in but I get very little writing done sometimes. That’s because I allow myself to be distracted. A friend phones and I answer, knowing she just wants to chat. She goes on about work and the kids and bake sales and before you know it I’m thinking about home made chocolate chip cookies and when I get off the phone I go to the kitchen and start baking instead of going back to my writing.

So the first thing you need to do is take yourself seriously so that others will too. Get rid of the distractions. Turn off that television and unplug the phone. Put a sign on your door (or on the back of your chair if you don’t have a room of your own) that says you are not to be disturbed.

Set yourself goals and make yourself a writing schedule. You can use scheduling software or even just a day planner to do this in. If you record what you want to accomplish in your writing time you are much more likely to use that time constructively. Also, you’ll get to check off goals from your list which is motivating in its own right.

Deal with distractions by making notes of them. Keep a notepad nearby so you can keep track of who called, or other distracting thoughts and issues. This removes the distraction from your mind to be dealt with later.

Get organized. Whether you have an hour or eight hours you’ll get a lot more accomplished if you don’t have to go looking for notes or research.

Be realistic and don’t set yourself up to fail when managing your time to write. You know how much you’re capable of doing. Don’t tell yourself you’re going to write for four hours when you know your attention starts to flag after two. You’ll only become disappointed with yourself when you fail to reach your goal and that in turn will make you feel less motivated.

Don’t let e-mails and social networking suck up your writing time. Establish a time of day for checking e-mail and use social networking as a reward for getting your writing done.

Schedule yourself a break or two. When you schedule yourself a break you’re giving yourself permission to stop writing, so you won’t be filled with guilt over it. Just make sure to get back to work when your break is over.

If the schedule you set up for yourself in the beginning is not as productive as you thought it would be, remember that it’s not carved in stone. Perhaps you’ve scheduled your writing time for the afternoon but find the morning works better for you. If this is the case then by all means change it. You’re the boss, after all.


Bish Denham said...

This is something I very much need to do!

Unknown said...

Man, I need to be better at this. It is a constant struggle to click out of the Internet and get some writing done.

Unknown said...

Some good advice. I have to admit though, at the moment the thought of organizing anything, especially time, has me wanting to scream. I may file this in a stack of notes with all those distractions.

Jolene Perry said...

Yeah... time management. Ahem.
I have no idea what that is.
Do I get writing done without it?
Do I get the rest of my responsibilities done?
Meh... maybe. Mostly it depends on how much writing has taken over my day.

Nofretiri said...

I'm not much better either when it comes to time management! *sigh* Maybe I should hire some drill inspector ... not only for constant writing!

Wish you a wonderful weekend! :-)

Nicole said...

Time management has been difficult for me to get a handle on. I don't think it will ever happen. There is just too much that I need to do and so little time each day to do it.

The Madlab Post